Persian Love Buns (Pistachio Cardamom Rolls)

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Persian Love Buns (Pistachio Cardamom Rolls)

Course Dessert


For the Dough:

  • 3 ¼ cups 390g all-purpose flour (plus more for dusting)
  • 2 ¼ tsp 1 packet active dry yeast
  • ¼ cup 50g granulated sugar
  • ¾ cup 180ml warm almond milk (or any plant-based milk)
  • ¼ cup 60ml warm water
  • ¼ cup 60ml neutral oil (e.g., canola or vegetable)
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tsp ground cardamom

For the Filling:

  • ½ cup 100g brown sugar
  • 2 tsp ground cardamom
  • 2 Tbsp neutral oil
  • ½ cup 70g finely chopped pistachios

For the Glaze:

  • ½ cup 60g powdered sugar
  • 2-3 Tbsp plant-based milk
  • ½ tsp rosewater optional


Prepare the Dough

  • Activate the Yeast: In a small bowl, mix warm water and 1 teaspoon of sugar, then sprinkle yeast over the top. Let it sit for about 5-10 minutes until frothy.
  • Mix Dry Ingredients: In a large bowl, combine flour, sugar, salt, and ground cardamom.
  • Combine Wet Ingredients: Add warm almond milk, oil, and the yeast mixture to the dry ingredients.
  • Knead the Dough: Mix until a dough forms, then knead for about 5-7 minutes on a floured surface until smooth and elastic. If using a stand mixer, knead with the dough hook attachment.
  • First Rise: Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl, cover with a clean cloth or plastic wrap, and let it rise in a warm place for about 1-1.5 hours, or until doubled in size.

Prepare the Filling

  • Mix Filling Ingredients: In a small bowl, combine brown sugar and ground cardamom. Set aside the chopped pistachios separately.

Shape the Rolls

  • Roll Out the Dough: After the dough has risen, punch it down to release air. Roll it out on a floured surface into a large rectangle, about 12×16 inches.
  • Add the Filling: Spread the 2 Tbsp of oil evenly over the rolled-out dough. Sprinkle the sugar-cardamom mixture evenly over the dough, then scatter the chopped pistachios.
  • Roll and Cut: Starting from the long side, roll the dough into a tight log. Cut into 12 equal slices using a sharp knife or dental floss.

Second Rise

  • Arrange in Pan: Place the rolls in a greased 9×13 inch baking pan or a round pan with a bit of space between them.
  • Second Rise: Cover and let them rise in a warm place for about 30-45 minutes, until puffy.

Bake the Rolls

  • Preheat the Oven: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
  • Bake: Bake the rolls for 20-25 minutes, or until golden brown.

Prepare the Glaze

  • Mix Glaze Ingredients: While the rolls are baking, whisk together the powdered sugar, plant-based milk, and rosewater (if using) until smooth.

Glaze and Serve

  • Cool Slightly: Let the rolls cool for about 10 minutes in the pan.
  • Drizzle the Glaze: Drizzle the glaze over the warm rolls before serving.



  • Proofing Yeast: Make sure the water and milk are not too hot; it should be warm to the touch (about 110°F or 43°C).
  • Rolling the Dough: Roll the dough evenly for uniform buns.
  • Storage: Store leftovers in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days, or freeze for longer storage.

Optional Variations

  • Nut Substitutes: Swap pistachios for almonds or walnuts if preferred.
  • Flavor Twist: Add a touch of cinnamon to the filling for an extra layer of flavor.

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